Sunday, April 15, 2007

Pictures from Home School Day at the Capitol

Hi Folks!

Here are a few pictures that I took at Home School Day at the Capitol. Let me know what you think!


The above is a photo of Gus and Bub. Bub looks pretty impressive, eh?


David said...

Thanks for the pics.

Hey Bub,
You should apply for the cover of a magazine or something. :P

Anonymous said...

Good job! I like the flag ones and the Andrew one.

Andrew said...

Hey Jeorge,
Those are awesome! The one with my brother looks cool. I didn't say I look cool, I'm saying the lighting and the contrast is cool. NOT ME! Lighting and contrast.


Anonymous said...

The picture captured of Bub and Gus looks like a scene from a movie. I'd look out if I were you...they look pretty determined on a mission or something