Thursday, June 21, 2007


Ok ok... here are some pictures from the photo shoot way back in the olde days at the beginning of June:

This is a monk-chuck. You can even see his hand blurring as he excitedly waves to me.

This gent seemed to have no end of water coming out of his boot...

The above creature was dumb enough to let me get this close to him.

This is a water wheel (just in case you were wondering).

This is Stanley. He was going for $900. This was for my "soft" picture.

This guy is working on getting his perspectives straight.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Sunday Thank You Party

On Sunday, all The Six Nuts, and their families, the Storrie family, Chartier family, and Langemann family, all converged on the Morgan's home and had a "Thank You" Party. T'was fun. There was amazingly good food, games of badminton, lil' spurts of basketball here and there, interesting political conversations, hilarious slideshows, and of course, football. [There was even some strange stories being told. =)] And, by golly, the Grads&Bros (the name soon to change) got to sing again and boy, were they flawless! (He-He! They were flawless, counting me out.)

The reason for the party was for all the people who had helped with Jerry's, Jeorge's, and my graduation ceremony and party. It was definetly a team effort and we are incredibly grateful to everybody for there servant's heart. It could not have been done without everybody's help and we thank you for it!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Photo Shoot!

How do, folks!

I'm here at the YMCA of Estes Park with some friends on a way cool photo shoot. Among the attendants are Ima, Yum-Yum, Olde Pat, and Larry. From about 11 o'clock to about 12:30, we tromped the streets of down town Estes Park. Then we ate lunch and climbed up 1.7 miles to Gem Lake. Shortly after arrival at that place, it started to rain. :'( But then it stopped. :) But by the time it stopped, we were a ways back down the trail. :'( But I think I got some good pictures. :) Ha HA! I am almost done downloading my photos. Anyway, I had/am having a great time and shall maybe post some of my pictures here. 82 more pictures to go 17:44:22 . 60 more to go 17:45:16. It might be a bit more. There are some elk in with their antlers still in velvet just outside the building I'm in. I took some pictures of them. Maybe they will be good. :) Maybe they will be bad. :'( You never know. :| 32 more to go 17:46:40. 20 more to go 17:47:50. 10 more 17:48:20. NO MORE!!!!!!! 17:49:08.

Ok, folks!!

Have a jolly good one!!
