Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter


Today the Six Nuts and some other friends had an Easter Celebration at which we had a Great Time and I took some pictures. So, without Further Ado, I shall go ahead and explain the above pictures from Top to Bottom.

1. This is Bub, expounding to those who will listen the great knowledge held within the pages of this book (1776)

2. This is Bub posing for me.

3. This is Bub showing off his cool welt he got when Birdman (a.k.a. Tweety) snapped a rubber band on his hand.

4. This is Frankie.

5. This is the six nuts (and some others) trying our hand at hand bells...

6. And finally, a very, very long board game called Axis and Allies. I mean it took a long time to play.

Thats all for now, let me know what you think!




Anonymous said...

If you're going to be graduating next month might I suggest a little capitalization review. I'll give you a hint... Easter. Capital E and all that. :)

Anonymous said...

It's actually supposed to be Eestir.

Elisabeth K. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elisabeth K. said...

Thanks for the explantion regarding the pictures :) how helpful!

P.S. forget about the deleted comment :P

Anonymous said...

WHO listens to Gilbert and Sullivan? Glad you Nuts enjoyed your Easter.

Anonymous said...

Don't (Ee)stir the pot you nuts.

Anonymous said...

Do all of you greats and twice removed people know just who it is you're related to? You might not -it could be scary. We want to know if all you people we never knew existed have a large inheritance we can cash in on.

Anonymous said...

Yum-yum, peep-bo and pitti-sings great uncle. Regarding the eestir spelling pops, you need to look at a 1st grade spelling book.
your great uncle,

Anonymous said...

Capitalization errors must run in the family. Look here, we weren't upset about the spelling.

Anonymous said...

Sorry About The Non-Capitalization.
Your Uncle,

Anonymous said...

Hey Girlfriends,
Whatcha been up to? I missed you since you moved to Wisconsin. You Nuts had better stop this slew of comments.

Anonymous said...

Dear Nelly,
The cold air up here in Wisconsin is really getting to our heads. We miss you too! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Hey Girlfriends,
I'll say the cold air is getting to your head. It must be shrinking. Poor brain getting smushed.
I'll pray,

Anonymous said...

You guys and your friends... all of you classify as NUTS! We'll have to keep up with this closer. Let us know when you figure it all out! Might turn into an ENN report - the Super-Sleuths or something of that nature.


David said...

Good grief!!! Somebody is a nutthed.

Michael said...

I'll just get on here as the administrator and fry all these yum-yum-great-grand-uncle-brother posts if you don't go away. If you want to discuss your family affairs, start your own blog.

Watch out for that carl dude (it also has some other names like Nance and Tony). It's a pretty shady character.

Anonymous said...

First, I must heartily agree with the author D.C. Morgan, and whole-heartedly disagree with the author Jorge.
The Banana

Anonymous said...

Well, I never....
I am totally offended and shocked that you would refuse me the right to
communicate with my relatives, which has been forever.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I meant it had been such a long time since we talked.

Anonymous said...


Looks like you need a little work on your grammar too.

Anonymous said...

We would like to bring to everyone's attention that identity theft is running rampant. Not only once, but twice our identity has been stolen.