Monday, May 28, 2007

Oreos or M&M's?

I had this little debate going on in Malaysia and Singapore with a friend. I ordered an M&M "McFlurry" and she ordered an Oreo "McFlurry" and thus the debate began. So I thought I just might as well ask you all...which one would you prefer? Oreo or M&M?



By the way, she is a very good debater. I quickly got convinced. I'll take Oreo. M&M's are too hard in ice cream. Might break a tooth.


Anonymous said...

Oreos taste better AND they are probably healthier.

Rachel said...

Probably oreos.

Tiara said...

so *someone* is a pretty good debator, huh? :-) LOL. i don't know, i think we went on about it for quite awhile. the people around us probably thought we were crazy with all that carrying-on [how appropriate ;-)]

go oreos!

*oreo clap here* LOL

Andrew said...

Ah, yes....the "Oreo Clap". Nothin' better than that.

Everybody in Colorado, it's a Singapore and Malaysia inside joke. Next time I see you I'll teach you the clap.

Michael said...

M&Ms all the way, man. There's nothing better than the tasty crunch that comes with M&Ms. With Oreos, they just get soggy after a little bit and it ruins the whole thing. Bub, you and I are going to have some words about this.

Anonymous said...

M&Ms are better than Oreos partly because Oreos can feel like dog food sometimes (when its wet of course)

Tina the Talking Tummy said...

Both have too much chocolate. That's why there are Butterfinger pieces. :D
My question is why "someone" was eating wet dog food...

Ryan_Th3_K1d said...

too much chocolate are you kidding me i don't think anyone has came up with such a wrong post yet....there is never too much chocolate...and someone is a really gross back on topic i go M&M's everyone needs a little rockyness in there life...



Tina the Talking Tummy said...

"there is never too much chocolate"

YOU just came up with the "wrongest post yet".

Ever wonder why chocolate is dark brown or black? That's because it's from the DEVIL!

Thankfully there is enough vanilla-y goodness to counteract the chocolate, making both oreos AND M&M's delicious in McFlurries (although still not superior to butterfinger pieces).

Now, if they had ButterfingOreM&Mos, THAT would be the undeniable champion of the McMix-ins.

Ryan_Th3_K1d said...

No the reason Chocolate is dark is cause it is what ninjas eat...if it was from the devil it would be red...and besides coffee is dark so is it from the devil NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!

i have to agree that if they had a ButterfingOreM&Mos it would be awsome

Anonymous said...

Dark chocolate M&Ms are pretty good. But Oreos are better. Oreos are bigger and easier to eat, not to mention if you want chocolate, you can just go to the store and buy a few of those heavenly 72% coco chocolate bars a lot cheaper than the same amount of chocolate in M&Ms.


Also, coffee and chocolate cannot have come from the devil. To yummy. :P

Ryan_Th3_K1d said...

those 72% chocolate bars are addicting...I still prefer M&Ms over oreos!!!!!!!!!

M&M M&M M&M M&M M&M M&M M&M M&M M&M M&M M&M M&M M&M M&M M&M M&M!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oreos are better.

fiddlerontheground said...

M&M's all the WAY!!!!!!!!

oreos are to mushy for me...

Conan said...


fiddlerontheground said...

Who cheated and how?!?

Tyler Weaver said...

I agree with ryan... m&m's are better... oreos taste like dog food.


Anonymous said...

GO OREOS! Oreos are a LOT better than M&Ms. Also, how do you know what dog food tastes like?? I wouldn't eat it if I were you.

David said...

I would guess things just got ruff, and that's all they had left. :P

Ryan_Th3_K1d said...

Dog food taste good...ever heard of a dare...

Anonymous said...

If dog food tastes good and Oreos taste like dog food, oreos must taste good. Right?

Gus said...

ANDREW MARK TIJERINA!!! How dare you crumple in the face of adversity! Oreos? OREOS?!?!? Let us be realistic here. M&M's are by far better, regarless of whether or not they're in ice-cream. Indeed, that would only increase the taste and satisfaction. I'm very, very disappointed in you, my younger (but taller) brother. Very disappointed! To Jorge, Someone, Jack Bauer, Fiddlerontheground, and Tyler Weaver, you all have your heads on straight. =)

Till next time,

Gus said...

And to everyone else, well, I'll be praying for you.

Till next time,

Gus said...

...and furthermore, there's no comparison between M&M's and Oreos. M&M's are the best! Period!

Till next time,

David said...



Well, it's just that I think this is the first time Gus has commented in a long, long time. :)

How about a post Gus? ;P

Anonymous said...

Gus, you won't change MY mind! Oreos are way better.

Anonymous said...

M&M's are way better :D

Anonymous said...

Nope. Never.

Anonymous said...

Totally oreo!