Sunday, May 27, 2007

A lil' bit more of snakes and snails and puppy dog tails...

I thought I would just give you all (lady folks, specifically) just a tid-bit of how we guys tick. Okay, last time I talked about this I talked about the ever-so-lovely grass stain. Today, I'll talk about pain. Why is that men go and do stuff with no care in the world, are extremely sore afterwards and think it's wonderful? Take me for istance, I played in a tackle football game yesterday. Today, as I'm writing this, I have a pounding head-ache, can't lift my arms, hurts to go down stairs, and hurts to do just basically everthing else. Why is that? Well, I don't rightfully know. I would think it is because we know how much fun we had in getting the pain...and it is completely worth it. Now is it worth it to be paralyzed, or some other tramatic event, for the rest of your life? No way. But it is worth the little aches and bruises. That just comes with the territory.

So, I definetly still have a lot to learn about my fellow male's. But just thought I would take you on a journey of what keeps me awake at night.



David said...

I think trying to understand ladies is a good way to make yourself look dumb.

Not saying you are Andrew, I just had a thought, so I wrote it down (my thoughts are very far and few between, and that makes them very special to me). :D

Anonymous said...

Sarah has a problem with that, David. WHO would cook your food, wash your clothes and clean your house? I'm sure you could manage for a little while, but as one bachelor I know of said "you can tell how bad the week has been depending on how close the laundry is to the front door." A miserable existence, to be sure. As for the pain, Bub, it doesn't make much sense, but oh well. Just glad you had fun!!

Rachel said...

Well, Andrew, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. (!)

David said...

"WHO would cook your food, wash your clothes and clean your house? I'm sure you could manage for a little while, but as one bachelor I know of said "you can tell how bad the week has been depending on how close the laundry is to the front door." A miserable existence, to be sure."

I wasn't trying to indicate that I was going to live a bachelor's life. I was just saying woman are impossible to understand. :D

Andrew said...


AMEN, BROTHER! That's why I write about us men. At least I can understand them...for the most part.

Rachel said...

Speaking as a girl, there are times when I can't understand myself. :)

David said...


That Bachelor to the Rapture thing lasted a LONG time! About as long as we told you it would. :P

Andrew said...

Yeah, Yeah, I know. You got me there. =)