Thursday, May 17, 2007

True or False?

I decided to start a fun little series (with Bub's consent, of course).

True or False?

A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he wants; a woman will pay $1 for a $2 item she doesn't want.

Have Fun,



Steven said...

What's wrong with you???
Are you trying to get someone killed?

Anonymous said...

I think it's the opposite.

Ryan_Th3_K1d said... that is actually very true...


Rachel said...

'Tisn't true of all of us, though. :)

Anonymous said...

It entirely depends on the man or the woman. But come on David, isn't this weighty enough for "Where men [and others] may read strange matters"?

Steven said...

Thriftiness.. I think that it just depends on #1 what it is, and #2 what you need it for. (and maybe when you'll need it) I don't really know if this is a male vs. female debate..
The real question is how many pairs of shoes does a person really need? :D

Anonymous said...

say the women is in a hurry or the man is looking for a deal.or it could be the other way.

so what are you trying to get at?? might help, to be more pasific.

Tyler Weaver said...

A man was granted one wish by a genie and he asked for a road from Hawaii to California so he could ride his bike to Hawaii. The genie then replied by saying "Think off all that concrete and the upkeep of a road like that. Can't you think of something easier?" So then the man thought for a while and then said that he would really like to understand women. Cutting him off the genie quickly asked how many lanes he wanted that highway.


(this was intended just as a joke, not to be taken seriously)

Anonymous said...

Makes sense to me. A lot of the commenter-ettes on this blog fit that bill very well.

Andrew said...

I think it's true. No offense, ladies!

Anonymous said...

Wow Tyler. It like um...uh...totally fit.

Anonymous said...

Well actually it is logical, see first you start with a little deductive reasoning,

Women are thrifty
Buying a $2 thing for $1 is thrifty
Therefore women would buy it.

Men will pay anything for something they want really bad,
Something that a man wants is on sale for $2 when its normally $1,
Therefore...who would do that!!?
Never mind

This whole logic thing is frying my brain.

Anonymous said...

I can tell. But what you said is purty much true.