Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Same knife?

Okay, here's the's a beautiful day out and you feel like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. So you get out the wheat bread (white, multi grain, whatever you prefer), and the peanut butter and jelly. So here's the actual reason for this you get out two different knives, one for the peanut butter and one for the jelly? Or do you use the same knife?


Andrew said...

I think God never intended for us to use the same knife for both the peanut butter and jelly. That's disgusting! In the peanut butter you get all these crusty crumbs of jelly and in the jelly you get the peanut butter mixed in. So there, there's my opinion.

David said...

It's all going to get messed up anyway. And they both taste good together. So, use the same knife.

Less packing
When you lick off the knife, it
will taste even better...

Nate said...

Two if you're meticulous. One if you just don't care. I tend to the first. I hate mixing the two, especially when jelly finds it's way into the peanut butter container. YUCK!

Olde Pat said...

I use only one knife. If everyone used two, then there would be none left at all… (I think that would be a pointless argument.)

Actually, the real reason is that spoons are much better for getting jelly out of the jar than knives. In fact, I have always thought that using the knife for the jelly was a little odd. So there you have it, one of the things that you really don’t find out until you ask.

Ryan_Th3_K1d said...

1 knife so much easier to clean...

Anonymous said...

2 knives.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on people, who really uses a knife to get jelly? Real people use a spoon for the jelly and a knife for the PB.

Ryan_Th3_K1d said...

spoon!?!? whats a spoon?...i just use a knife!!!

Anonymous said...

I poke badgers with spoons.

Andrew said...

Ok, people, we're talking about knives! Not spoons.

Andrew said...

Just to clear myself up...if you use a spoon to get the jelly out, great. (I must confess, I did that this morning. I wanted to try it out. Worked very nicely.) Everything else, let's try to keep on the subject. Pweeze?

Anonymous said...

Hey Tony, I guess I'm a fake person because "Real people use a spoon for the jelly and a knife for the PB."

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter if you use a knife or a spoon just so long as you don't mix the PB with the jelly. In my opinion, that would be disgusting! I mean it would be so gross to open one of the jars to find it mixed with the contents of the other.:P So if you must use one knife you should wipe it off well before putting it into the next jar!

Ryan_Th3_K1d said...

or just lick the knife off :D

Anonymous said...

But a knife could cut off your tongue! Yikes!

Ryan_Th3_K1d said...

well then you need to learn how to lick a knife ;)

it takes practice(and injury's) to figure out how to lick it just right so it doesn't cut you...

Andrew said...

yeah...lick the flat side. =)

Tina the Talking Tummy said...

Real people don't eat peanut butter. That solves the whole problem.

Anonymous said...

Amen, Beth. But peanut butter is something of an American tradition (or so I've been told), so does that mean that true Americans aren't real people? I wonder...:)

Andrew said...

But peanut butter is so....peanut butter-y. Yeah.

David said...

Beth is right (for once). Real people DON'T eat peanut butter. Real People eat peanut better and honey in a spoon, in the kitchen, not sitting down, occasionally spilling it on the kitchen floor, etc. I AM A REAL PERSON.

I do have to agree with Andrews controversial comment, though. Peanut butter is indeed very peanut butterish. Surprise surprise. He should be a professor. Dr. A Tijerina. he he he. yeah. That's a good idea...

Anonymous said...

For those who do like peanut butter and jelly, you should use one knife, then get a spoon and spoon the peanut-buttery parts out of the jelly, and the jelly parts out of the peanut butter. (Just to warn you, if you eat a ham sandwich every day for the rest of your life, it'll mess with your brain.)

Andrew said...

I'll take that as a compliment, David. =)

Nathan said...

Take a knife for the peanut butter, and a spoon for the jelly.