Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Father's Day

Hey there everybody-who-happens-to-lay-their-eyes-on-this-post!
Just wanted to say that I haven't exactly fallen off the face of the earth and that I am still alive. Also, it's good to see this here blog is still it's same good lookin' blue self. Anyways, with that said, I need your help. As you know, Father's Day is coming up and you normally need to give him a gift. (Honestly ya'll, it's the least you could do.) Anyways, I've posted on my blog ( saying that I'm needing some ideas of what to get my father because I can't afford a BMW but I don't want to get him another Chipotle gift card. So, you could leave a comment on my blog, leave it really doesn't matter. So if you could help me out (and possibly other readers) that would just be tickle-my-toes-awesome! Anyways, have fun.



Anonymous said... 'bout a tie. Isn't that what you're always suppose to give your Dad?

Sarcastic Sally said...

It would appear that everyone else is in need of ideas as well.

Hmmm. Well, why not combine the most common Father's Day gift of all time (the dreaded tie) with the best invention of all time (glorious duct tape, of course)...


Steven said...

you might have to have a look at my blog (Steve's random thought)