My friends and I have started a bluegrass band. WE NEED A NAME. Please comment with your suggestions.
The winner (if we pick one) will be given a BIG SMILE and some exclusive pictures and recordings and a card signed by all the members.
You can list as many suggestions as you want!
Canadia Will and his Bluegrass Boys...
Green Grass of Denver
Rocky Lightning?
Yikes! What awful names.
Hot Potato Band
The Grasshoppers
Oh Boy...
From an Anonymous:
Davie and the Cat Herders
Dangerous Playground
Hungry Autumn
Grass Pit
Grouchy Grass
Here are some more:
The Northern South
Willie and the Irksome Cowboys
The Bumblebee Society
Unruly Farm Animals
Untied Shoelaces
Confederate Pickers
Wow. Some of those sound like pretty good bluegrass names. 'Twould be nice to know what the meaning behind them is, though--DoubleDip? Hungry Autumn? :) Or maybe that's the point--nobody knows that it means.
I don't really have any new ideas. I'll weigh in later if I do.
The Three Nuts
The Blue Nuts
The Willjoeda Band
Blueblades Bangers
The Tree Turnpike Tuners
The Swingnuts
Honkey-tonk Grass
Orthadox Onoins
Cracked Carrots
The Bloody Bunch
Western East Slope Melodies
The Burnt Grass Band
Flaming Swingers
Colorado Thunder...
Tylers post gave me an idea. Flaming Fingers?
Fire picking boys
How 'bout:
Barefoot Bluegrass
Canadian Strummers
Six Hicks
Hoedown Will and the boys
Campfire Melodies
The Country Men
Grinning Grasshoppers
Peachy Pickers
Palatable Pickers
Strumming Society
Bumbling Bluegrassers
Oh! One more!
Silly Strings
This is too much fun. Here are a few more:
The Igloo Riders
The Other Side
Doodling Yankees
Western Calamity
The Young Firecracker Boys
Sweet Cactus Soup
Joe Banjo and the Eardrum Posse
The Haystack Regime
An Audible Democracy
The Abandoned Mountain Navigators
Mum's Boys
Crunchy Harmony
The Cheeseburger Charmers
Happy Frogs
A lot of these have real, solid meaning... for those who really want it.
Country Catastrophe
Planless Pluckers
Mile High Hicks
Go West Young Men and Don't Come Back
Camptown Racists
Bleeding-Ears Bluegrass Band
Seriously, Stop Strumming
Bluegrass for the Blind,
featuring Dandy Deaf Dave
BTW, this is about a name for our band, not song titles.
68 names so far! Keep it up.
Country Crew
Optimistic Organization
Pickin' Assembly
I suggest Jammin' Mountaineers or Rocky Stringpickers.
We need bluegrass suggestions, not jazz or country or weirdos.
Western Calamity or Rocky Ridge Grasscutters
BanJoe & the Rest of 'Em
The Oh Boys
The Blue, really blue, floppin'-over-in-the-grass-'cause-we're-so blue, bluegrass band.
Nameless Bluegrass Nobodies
Colorado Flying Banjoes
Wailing Armadilloes
We Ain't Rappers
The Flying Pumpkins
Screaming Cats
Completely Nutty Bluegrass
Cute Fluffy Bunnies (just kidding!)
Stick Grass up your Nose
I'm having to much fun with these!
The latest installment:
American Harmonic Coalition
Fabulous Tree Trunks
Fishy River
The Fehr Family
Andy-Boy and the Young Buckaroos
The Unseemly Banjo Conflagration
Fried Fiddle Combo
Norte de la música étnica
Fabulous Chaos
A Multitude of Sounds
The Old-Time Irregulars
I'm starting to run out... can't you use any of these?
Blue Rockies
Grass Galore
Bursting Buttons
Singing Shoes
Over the Cliff
Pudgy Pickers
The Nut Jam
Beyond the Rainbow
Still Digging
Montana Mowdowns
Connecticut Counterfeits
Chums of Valor
Another Morning
Golden Surge
Rocky Mountain Gang
Longs Peak [fill in the blank]
Pikes Peak Pickers (hat tip to Sarah on part of that)
Glory Guys
Hallelujah Bound
AHHHHH! Most of these sound like names for a song, not band names. We need names that have real, decent, true meaning - "Go West Men and Never Come Back" would definitely make more sense as a song. Some of them definitely do not qualify - The Three Nuts, The Other Side, Honky-Tonk Grass, Bleeding Ears Bluegrass, American Harmonic Coalition (the majority of the members are Canadians), etc. Can you suggest names such as that have two or three words - Something to do with the Rocky Mountains and something to do with bluegrass (not pop, jazz or country). Remember that prize: SIGNATURES!
Mandolin and Fiddle player
HO! How about Josie and the Howling Jammers?
Red, White & Green
Picky Pickers
Kentucky Pluckers
Purple Grass
Penny Pinchers
Grassy Desert Folks
The Ridge Drifters
Rocky Mountain String Band
Blue Mountain Pickers
Happy Mountain Travelers
Lonesome Hill
Oh oh oh! Traditional Grass Billies (instead of HillBillies...)
Grassy Gulch Pickers
(why am I thinking of pickers... let's come up with something else...)
Dusty River
Rocky Valley Grass Mulchers
Shadow of the Morning
Flaky Fun
Brick Busters
Rocky Rollers
Amen, brother!
Stage Jammers, or Strummers (just a little help with that one...)
Never Again
Jammin' Fingers
Glorious Gumdroppers
Screamin' strings
More later...
The Righteous Rockers
Rock'n the Boat
Be Blue Too
Blue Grass Is Green
The Hillary Blueneckers
Beltin' Bluely
The Righteous Ruckus
Chopin's Noctmare
Cat Gut Aint For Everyone
Sky Is Blue; Grass Is Green
What creative ideas!
Keep with it.
Your suggestions mean plenty to us. Please, keep on and slip in a good name at least almost half worth considering thinking about!
A. Person
Jerryholmes? (Matthew Johnson listens to Cherryholmes)
Okay, I'll throw in some.. for what it's worth! Some of these are pretty lame. ;) I tried to throw in some mountain-type names.
- Jammin' Tunes
- Longs Peak Jammers
- Rocky Mountain Jamming
- Rocky Mountain Pickin's
- The Jammin' Boys
- Grass Pickin' Tunes
- Rocky Mountain Hoedown Boys
Dusty Hill Grasscutters
Lost Ridge Clan
The Colorado Grassy
Shootin' Gold
Silver Strings
Rocky Mountain Hollow
Bighorn Bluegrass Band
The Colorado Piggies (not really)
The Guitar Toasters
I think I'm getting tired now... good night!!
Dusty River and the Flash Floods (Joe being the Dusty River and the rest would be the Flash Floods)
Flash Floods
i liked the
Bleading-Ear Bluegrass
here are a few more:
Disharmonic Cunuks
Burnt Hands
Bloody Cunuks
Smoldering Picks
Requiem of a Band
All Aboot Mum
Deaf Pickers
Cunuks With Instruments
Requiem of Harmony
Swinging Sticks
Hockey Players with Teeth
...the idea of a Requiem is the best way i can describe the majority of bluegrass... j/k
(Just Another Bluegrass Band)
Concerning my comment about what names are good and bad, sorry if I offended anybody! We really do enjoy all your suggestions for names. Keep with it and thank you!
AAA! I'm offended! What's wrong with all of these good names? At least 75% would work fine for any type of folk group. Jazz? Nope. Country? Of course. Don't let that offend you; Bluegrass is just an extension of Country music.
Here are some more:
Extra-strength Gravity
Constant Conviction
Left Fiddle
Before and Beyond
Bluegrass, Inc.
Pulling the Weeds
The Great Canadian Attempt
Boy, Joe looks like Elvis...
Well that's nice of you.
Actually Country is an extension of Bluegrass, Folk, Blues, and Rock n Roll...well at least today's country is :P
+1 for Pulling the Weeds
The Greatful Absent
Blue Day
Smoking Alternators
Alternate Arcaic Audio (AAA)
Pulsing Picks
Undescided Hicks
The Hikers
The Hallelujah Brothers
The Revolutionaries
Elvis, Eh?
Pickin' Out
Elvis Goin' Tame
Elvis did not play bluegrass.
says who...are u hiding elvis?!?!?
Yeah, Elvis didn't play bluegrass. That's why he's going tame. :)Or maybe your version of bluegrass isn't any tamer than the good ol' Rock n Roll? lol
Hey! Most of today's bluegrass/country music makes Elvis look like a saint. So, "Tame Elvis" is a great name for the band. It fits!
no better yet, call it The Classical Mandolin and Violin Ensemble
Elvis played (sang) Rock 'n' Roll, as far as I'm concerned. I have never seen anything that said "Elvis performing Bluegrass tonight" or anything of that sort...
You're missing the point. My point is, is that some bluegrass isn't any better than Elvis. Any other Anonymouses care to make a point?
Elvis performed Bluegrass tonight. There. Now you've seen it. :)
I'll make the point that Bluegrass or no Bluegrass, "Tame Elvis" is still a great name for this great band!
Three cheers for Elvis!
Elvis ROCKS!
Maybe it's time all the anonymouses identify themselves and take responsibility for their many, many, many posts?
Nope. Why should we do that? Incognito is an art. Do you hate art? Of course not. Art is almost as good as Elvis.
Let me ask you something, most recent anonymouser - do you like Bluegrass?
Bluegrass is art.
If you dislike Bluegrass, well, I'll let you do the math.
Saying Elvis isn't art is like saying the Mona Lisa isn't art. I mean, the two just jive! All you have to do to realize that Elvis is art is just to listen to the pattern in his music. As anonymous says, ELVIS ROCKS!
I have a feeling. And this feeling tells me that the latest 7 anonymous comments are from the same person.
Elvis or not Joe Still looks like he's rockin out with a banjo ;)
how about u just name your band:
*>Band name here<*
Your feeling is lying to you, Sarah.
Elvis is an art. Doing anything halfway convincing is an art. I could perform any of Elvis' songs, and no one would pay a cent to hear me.
Ah, how sweet!
wow i thought this was a -=^=-Name suggestion thread not a Elvis argument-=^=-
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