Thursday, November 1, 2007


You know, I was thinking as I was drinking water like a camel....what does water taste like? Because, have ever noticed that when you are very tired, that water is the best tasting thing on this earth? But if you're rested and relaxed it doesn't taste like...anything? Why is that?

Okay, so here's the point of this post: What do you think water tastes like? Secondly: Why does does it taste better sometimes than other times?



Ryan_Th3_K1d said...

well it depends on what type of water your drinking.

At least I can taste the differance between filtered water, tap water(different cities water taste different also),and bottled water.


Michael said...

Water tastes like water just because that's what it tastes like.

It tastes better sometimes because you want it more. !!

Tina the Talking Tummy said...

Bottled water tastes like fresh mountain dirt.
Tap water tastes like old corroded pipes (especially Kansas tap water - yuck!).
Filtered water tastes like water.

And then, there's the water that overflows your gutters during a rainstorm. Now that is good stuff. Its taste is...indescribable.

Anonymous said...

Well, water from Arvada tastes like rusty pipes and water from Westminster tastes lot better! :)

And here's my answer for the second tastes better when you need it more.

Anonymous said...

Water from Parker, Arizona, (about the last city on the Colorado River before it dumps into the Bay of California) tastes like the ocean, or salty dirt, or something. The water in Billings, Montana, is the best. Natural spring water is soo much better than purified water. Boy, some of those bottled waters I can hardly choke down!

David said...

You have to distinguish what is real water and what people will call water. A lot of bottled "water" is just not water. It's some weird chemical filled liquid that is just disgusting. Aquafina bottled water is just pure water, but Kirkland has all sorts of nasty chemicals (they really should call it Kirkland tea).

My words of wisdom:

Always look at the ingredients of the bottled water before you attempt to drink it.

Abbey said...

Dasani is the worst. It can't get much worse. I think they must fill the bottles with tap water from Parker or Houston (or maybe even Paris!). Yuck. As far as our tap water goes, it depends on whether it's hard or soft water. Hard water tastes the best. Soft water is, well, too soft. lol Hard water has a texture indescribable. Beth, it must rain hard water at your house. :)

Anonymous said...

So, those of you who said tap water tastes like rusty pipes, does this mean you've gone up to a rusty pipe and licked it? Or is there some other way to know what a rusty pipe tastes like?

Anonymous said...

And, as to what water tastes like, poets (I am one) would say that it tastes like liquid light, liquid life, or liquid peace...

...well, unless it's tap water.

Anonymous said...

Uh....may I ask specifically who Cam is?

To those of you who don't know, my name, other than Peg, Peggy, Peggy Lou or Yum-yum's friend is Sarah Morgan.

Anonymous said...

Um, I would really like to tell you, but being under my dad's authority (and he's told me I can't say my name directly online without telling him first), I cannot.

An acrostic:

Can you
Hear me
Explaining all the
I can't
Say my name
Even to you?

Anonymous said...

Please forgive the wierdness of that last comment. I was up way too late last night.

David said...

I am the moderator for this blog, and would greatly appreciate it if you e-mailed me your name.

Anonymous said...

Thanks anyway, Cam. BTW, that thingy that you wrote looks kind of like a Winnie the Pooh quote. :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant a Winnie the Pooh poem.


Anonymous said...

About how I know rusty pipe water tastes like rusty pipes, there is a certain taste which one knows MUST be from rusty pipes, and that certain taste is in Arvada Tea. Especially the stuff that comes out of the fridge.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I'll ask my Dad about emailing you my name, but a 14-year-old girl has to be careful. And BTW, an acrostic is a poem arranged so that the first letters of each line line up to spell a word or phrase, such as this one using the word love:

Let all the
Opposites that disagree
Verify that they are
Eating spinach

So if you apply that knowledge to the previous acrostic, you end up with my first name :)

...and since it's a pretty rare first name, some people might recognize me.

I know I sound like a wierdo from the lunatic fringe who's had to much coffee, but I'm not.

Anonymous said...

But what if the taste in Arvada Tea is actually snail guts, and you just don't know it?

Anonymous said...

Ya but everyone knows Arvada water comes from Westminister. I wonder what died there?

Anonymous said...

Hey, it may actually be snail guts...but I highly doubt it! I recently made a discovery. Forget all that rusty pipe stuff. IT TASTES LIKE POOL WATER! Ten thousand gallons of chlorine to a quart, you know... :P

And, to whoever naughty "guess" is, quite obviously Arvada Tea doesn't come from Westminster, because the taste is SO TOTALLY different. "Ya but everyone knows Arvada water comes from Westminister." I think you're the only one who would think that. BTW, it's Westminster, not Westminister.

David said...

I have reason to believe that "guess" is our good friend and ignorant Arvadian, Mr. Casper.

Anonymous said...

Oh I know why WestminSTER water tastes so differant... its because all the water is a runoff from a nuclear plant nearby, any glowing westminster'ins out there?

Anonymous said...

I have a question for you, Mr. Casper.

Have you ever lived in Westminster?

I'll just say it! Mr. Casper has never lived in Westminster.

I have lived in both Westminster and Arvada. And it's as easy to tell the "water" apart as telling the difference between a mountain spring and swamp water.

He has lived in Arvada all his life. He has never had a chance to try Westminster water for any length of time. The real reason he argues for Arvada is because he feels underprivileged.

And BTW, his family bought a super duper filter to turn their Arvada Tea to water. He doesn't even know how the regular Arvada Tea tastes. And Mr. Casper, I wouldn't recommend turning the filter off, your Arvada stomach won't be able to handle the snail blood and you'll die.

Anonymous said...

AMEN whoever that 2nd guess was!!! AMEN AMEN AMEN. You are TOTALLY right. TOTALLY.

Anonymous said...

Correction: AMEN TO GUESS!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Check this out, I just heard a news report that..Oh No!! China just had a recall on all of Westminster's water because of an large amount of lead content. Bummer, You guys in Westminster(or lived there) better watch out!! Good thing Arvada water is purified and inported from the US. Maybe this Pure Arvada Water will help clear some of that lead overdose. ;-)

Anonymous said...

"Check this out, I just heard a news report that..."

Good proof that today's media is whacked, eh?

"Good thing Arvada water is purified and inported [sic] from the US."

So Arvada has it's water imported from the U.S.?

Have thought about the possibility that Arvada being already in the U.S.?

Folks, this dude is a nut. Maybe it comes from living in Arvada all his life...

Anonymous said...

If we Arvadians are nuts, I'd move if I we were you, because who knows? maybe this nuttyness is in the Arvada water and you are drinking it!! ;-)

Oh and about that filter.. we are just making sure you westminister'ns dont poisen our water because you are so jelouse of our great tasting water.

Tyler Weaver said...

is anyone privlaged enough to drink the thornton watter? you realy don't know what your missing.

anyway i can definatly say what rusty pipes taste like... it's a long storry and i don't have much time.

rusty watter tastes much different than clorine watter, i know... it's much different... i think you guys must have been confused... rusty watter has a distictive look and taste...

the watter in thornton is so different that it would surprise you all. not in a good way... i think tea would be to easy of a description... it's more like draft from a septic tank... ok it's not that bad... but close.

Anonymous said...


fiddlerontheground said...

Thornton tap water doesn't taste anything like what the retard(who doesn't know how to spell water)tastes. It tastes just like chlorine water, but its drinkable...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Arvada water...

Anonymous said...

Stop Lying 'Yum-Yums Friend' !!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not lying. I'm just giving my opinion.

You may think what you want to think, though I'm not saying it's right. I don't think you've even drank water right from the sink (with out the filter) in your life, or you would be agreeing heartily with me. Eh?

Abbey said...

And to think I just sold those poor gerbils to someone from Westminster... I'll have to ship bottled water to them to use for the gerbs. :P J/K of course.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I changed my answer to the original question, cause I now think that water tastes like liquid air (or liquid ice!). And it tastes better when you want it more because you have a deeper appreciation for it and you can 'sense its hidden qualities'.

Ok, so I'm useless on the arvada water debate, but I will say that I like Denver water unfiltered because I've grown up with it that way, and I don't like the filtered water.

Just to be different! :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Cam for changing the subject (on Arvada water), though I will never, ever, ever in my whole life think Arvada water is better than Westminster. Never.

I think you're right about water tasting like liquid air.

Anonymous said...

Ok guys. You've convinced me. I beleive that Arvada water is pretty bad stuff. Westminster water is way better.

Anonymous said...

Wait, I just changed my mind, forget what I said before, Arvada water does taste better than Westminster water--- I mean none of them are perfect, but my opinion is that Arvada water tastes better.

Anonymous said...

Westminster water is heavenly. nothing bad about it. have you even tasted it?

Anonymous said...

Yes I have and it being heavenly is just your opinion. You wont ever change my opinion that Arvada water tastes better----so you might as well just stop trying. :)

Anonymous said...

I wasn't trying to change your opinion. That would be quite a feat. I'm just stating my opinion and the fact that you won't be able to change it.

Anonymous said...

Alright peoples, so wherever the good water is, all I can say is that I'm really glad God made it, cause it is wonderful.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

anyone taste boulder water...its not bad, its close to the mountains so that might be why...

Anonymous said...

Wow. That's amazing.