Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Little Experiment

Please comment with the date and your name when you read this post. This will give an idea of the web traffic to this site. If other regular readers are over your shoulder, mention them too.


Tom said...

Tom, Ryan, Felix and Jeorge's brother (all one and the same), 8:11pm 9/13/07. (That is probably on the post, but oh well.)

Anonymous said...

Ima, Yum-Yum, Peep-Bo and Tony. Our dear father visits and our sources inform us that Mr. Roach has been here too! :)

Ryan_Th3_K1d said...

Me, Myself, And I!!!! 9:36.84729437 pm 9/13/2007

William said...


Tina the Talking Tummy said...

Hey Jack, I know those people! They even read blogs with me too!
What a small world...

Now if only Me could get I to shut up and Myself to stop burning things. :S

Cheri said...

Cheri (through Rachel's blog)

Leah Christine Imagery said...

Leah. 9/14/07. (through Rachel's blog) ;)

Anonymous said...

Sarah Morgan. Time and date below.

Andrew said... names Bub, Andrew, A.T., The Storyteller, Joey, Bucky, Mr. Silly Man...need more?'s currently 12:39 on Saturday, September 15, the year of 2007 A.D. Okay, now it's 12:40.

Rachel said...

Rachel 9.16 1:39 PM

Abbey said...

Bec and me

3:14 PM

Olde Pat said...

I think most of you know who I am. ("Luke" when not posting on the internet...) I do occasionally read this blog when not hunting for Nuts elsewhere in the world, or taking pictures here and there. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm watching you Mike Wazowski...always watching you!!

9/20/07 6:18 AM

Anonymous said...

Mike Wazowski. See time and date below.

Anonymous said...
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Steven said...

well.. yeah.
I guess I'm outta the "loop"
Steve. If you don't know who I am, you don't wanna know. :D

Anonymous said...

If I am right and I am not hallucinating, then I am reading this post! And if you don't know who I am, find the goofy-est 11-year old girl you can think of, and I'm her sister! I'm here from Elizabeth's blog, thought I'd check this out 10-16-07. (M'name's Bob, but you spell it and pronounce it differently)